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Precisely In Love With You: Chapter 69

The first to arrive at the hospital is Fang Junxing and his wife. When he received the call from his son that Fang Yan is in the hospital, he was so shocked that he couldn’t believe that it is true. He saw her a few days ago, how did she suddenly end up in the hospital with an illness? In fact, when you look carefully, it’s not hard to see that she has been acting strange lately. When she came back these past few days, she would usually stay at home but during this time, she would still put on some makeup and apply lipstick. At first, they thought that it was because she is in love and wants to look beautiful but who would’ve thought that it was because she was afraid that they would see straight through her.

Looking at the pale face on the bed which closely resembles his sister’s, Fang Junxing was extremely in pain. He thought back to that year. He was also standing like this, watching Fang Yu through the glass, watching as the doctors come and go until they finally covered her with a white cloth and come out telling them that they did their best. He promised her that he would take care of Fang Yan. But look at her now, she is lying inside that hospital bed. He had let his sister down. He doesn’t dare to tell Old Madame about this. That year when Fang Yu passed away, the Old Madame’s life was almost gone too. If Fang Yan also–––he doesn’t know if the Old Madame can handle it.

The extreme pain and remorse in her heart made Fang Junxing cry out. Bai Yun can understand the pain in her husband’s heart but there is nothing she can do.

“The doctor said that her condition had worsened. The chemotherapy isn’t of much help and her body is too weak. She has gone into shock a few times already.” Despite saying this indifferently, Pei Qing’s eyes revealed his pain.

“What can we do, we can’t just watch her….” Bai Yun turned away and shed a tear, unable to voice out her next words.

“There hasn’t been any bone marrow match yet. The doctor said that there will be a higher chance of getting a match from a relative so….” This is the reason he called them over. He can’t just watch as she leaves.

“Yes, yes, she’ll be fine as long as she gets a bone marrow match. We’re her closest relatives, she will definitely be okay.” Fang Junxing said to himself. He turned to Pei Qing, “I want to see Yanyan’s attending doctor.”

Fang Rui and Fang Minghao came in the afternoon. They silently walk into the hospital, a mysterious air hanging around them. They are not doctors, all they can do is wait. Under the doctor’s arrangement, everyone did a bone marrow test. However, the results were disappointing, none of them was a match.

On the other side, Zheng Weiqian hasn’t received any news from Fang Yan lately and is growing restless. He recalled the time when he was with Fang Yan. He didn’t notice anything strange with her and he hasn’t done anything to anger her. Even when he proposed that night, even though she didn’t respond, she wasn’t upset, moreover, she was touched. Maybe, he should call Uncle Hao. He doesn’t know Fang Yan’s address in Beijing and besides, he is her father.

After thinking about it, Zheng Weiqian called Fang Minghao. After a few rings, the call connected.

“Uncle Hao.”

“Weiqian, what’s the matter?” Fang Minghao’s voice sounds tired.

“I want to ask you if Fang Yan contacted you recently. I can’t seem to get in touch with her.” Zheng Weiqian was embarrassed by this. It isn’t anything glorious to ask someone else for help in finding his girlfriend.

“Yanyan…..” Fang Minghao’s voice suddenly stilled.

Fang Minghao’s silence made Zheng Weiqian feel uneasy. He anxiously asked, “What happened to her? What’s going on?”

After a long silence, Fang Minghao slowly said, “Weiqian, Yanyan probably doesn’t want to tell you this, but I think you have the right to know about this.”

“What is it?” Zheng Weiqian cautiously asked. Hearing Fang Minghao’s voice, he can tell that the news he is about to receive isn’t anything good.

“Fang Yan’s sick, it’s acute lymphocytic leukemia.”

Fang Yan finally woke up two days after Zheng Weiqian arrived. Looking at her family surrounding her, she knows that she had made them worried again. It’s because of this that she doesn’t want to tell them, but in the end, she couldn’t keep it from them. She saw Zheng Weiqian standing in front of her. He looked at her with remorse, anger, pity, but most of all, worry. She knows that she must have scared him. Everyone seemed to understand the mood. After making sure that she is all right, they all slowly filed out the room, leaving Fang Yan and Zheng Weiqian alone.

When Zheng Weiqian saw him standing by her bed, Fang Yan mustered up all her energy to smile, “What are you doing here?” She slowly said, her voice raspy.

Zheng Weiqian just stared at her and didn’t say anything. His heart is in a mess after hearing her hoarse voice and seeing her pale face.

Fang Yan thought that he was angry because she didn’t tell him and lied to him. She reached out to hold his hand and murmured, “Are you still angry?” Although she is in pain, she tried very hard to continue, “Don’t be angry okay? I’m a little tired, sit down and accompany me okay?”

Actually, Zheng Weiqian isn’t mad at her, he is mad at himself. He was mad that he didn’t realize anything strange when he was with her or how she had no appetite. Obviously, she is very thin but because she said that her stomach isn’t feeling well, he just let it go and didn’t delve any deeper. How did he notice that she is sick? He is vexed right now, but the time to regret has long past.

Zheng Weiqian took her hand and sat in the chair by her bed. He gently brings her hand to her mouth and whispered, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry….”

“Weiqian….” Seeing him like this, Fang Yan’s eyes began to redden. She knows that he loves her, which is why she didn’t tell him about her condition. She was afraid that he will be saddened.

“Yanyan, promise me that you will strive to continue to live.” Zheng Weiqian looked up at her. The rims around his eyes have reddened as he prayed.

In the past two days, he stood by the window looking down at her pale face. There are many tubes connected to her body helping her breathe. Her weak heartbeat made it seem like her heart would stop at any minute. He is afraid that she will leave him at any time. He wished that it couldn’t be him instead but he couldn’t. He could only follow the doctor’s instructions and wait for a miracle to happen.

“Weiqian….” She feels guilty seeing him like this.

Zheng Weiqian looked up to her expectantly. Right now, her assurance is the only thing that will keep him going.

“I will work hard to fight this disease and to live on.” Just as he wished, Fang Yan gave him the assurance to stick on.

Zheng Weiqian leaned over and kiss her forehead as he whispered, “Thank you, thank you….”

Tears slipped down her face. He really is a fool. She should be the one to tank him. Thank him for loving her and giving her the strength to fight on.
