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Three Combs: Chapter 17.1

On the bus ride to Hengdian, Jiang Tiao was dreaming.

In her dream, her hand….seems to be held by a man. His palm is warm and his thumb is smoothly and delicately rubbing the back of her hand in a back-and-forth motion as if he is touching jade. She could feel the heat from his touch through her skin, flowing into her blood vessel…..the feeling is too real.

She couldn’t help but want to see who the person is….

When she slowly opened her eyes…..

Jiang Tiao was jolted awake.

When Sun Qing who is playing Miracle Nikki on her phone saw that she is awake, she picked up a potato chip and asked, “Another nightmare?”

Jiang Tiao thought, nightmare? No. Spring dream? Don’t think so.

Ever since the car ride with Fu Ting Chuan, for some reason, she has been dreaming about him.

That night, she accidentally fell asleep. When they arrived back at the hotel, Xu Che woke her up.

When she opened her eyes, Fu Ting Chuan was already gone.

After she got off the car, she saw Fu Ting Chuan standing outside, his face cold. His emotions….don’t seem good.

It must be because he had been waiting for a while. Jiang Tiao hurried to apologize, “Mr. Fu, I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I was too tired and fell asleep.”

Fu Ting Chuan looked at her, “I just got off the car.”

Jiang Tiao, “....Oh.”

Then, he casually said, “In the future, drink less alcohol.”

Jiang Tiao was quick to defend herself, “I have high alcohol tolerance.”

“That also doesn’t mean that you can freely drink as you wish.” Fu Ting Chuan immediately retorted back. His love for his fans is evident.

Jiang Tiao could only repeatedly assure, “Okay, okay.”

Fu Ting Chuan didn’t say anything again.


She felt that she must’ve given her idol the impression that she is a drunkard.

As she thought about this, Jiang Tiao turned to Sun Qing, “Do men hate women drinking?”

Sun Qing bit on the potato chip with a crunch and vaguely said, “I don’t think so. We recently went out to have drinks and barbeque but I didn’t see Master hating on us.”

Jiang Tiao lowered her voice, “Master isn’t purely a man.”

“Who isn’t a man!” Jiang Tiao was hit in the back of her head with the compact mirror Yuan Yang carried with him….

After waking up from a deep sleep, she forgot that her master was sitting behind her.

Sun Qing sneered.

Yuan Yang opened the mirror again and fixed the bangs on the top of his head, “If your man only wants to have a fling with you, he would want you to drink until you drop dead. If he really cares about you, then he would hate you drinking.”

“Aiya.” Master’s interest rose, “Which scamp doesn’t let you drink?”

“I’m only asking.” Jiang Tiao looked out the window.

Master laughed, “Who would ask this kind of question for no reason.”

Jiang Tiao looked at him with a “sorry, I don’t understand” look.

Yuan Yang slyly smiled, “I think I know who it is.”

Jiang Tiao went on alert, “Who?”

Yuan Yang, “I’m only messing with you, no need to be nervous.”

Jiang Tiao, “.....”

Jiang Tiao doesn’t dare to say anymore. With Yuan Yang’s keen perception as well as that embarrassing incident with the lipstick, she is afraid that he will see through this situation.

As a Chinese woman, even though it is common to like Fu Ting Chuan, she is thin skinned so there are some worries.

That night, her “show of love” for Fu Ting Chuan is due to her being his fan which is why he was willing to say a few more words with her. If her feelings for him were to change to that of a woman toward a man, then it would be difficult for them to remain friends…..

Yuan Yang stared at her ever-changing expression and couldn’t help but laugh.

In the end, it is Master whose sharp intuition was able to make the connection here. Some things, some people, he can see more clearly than others.
