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I Want to Waste Away Time With You: Chapter 8

Ever since she talked to Meow Meow Don’t Cry, Lu Wei Xi spent the next few days anticipating her reply. But before it could arrive, Saturday arrived in a blink of an eye.

Usually, on Saturdays, Lu Wei Xi would stay in bed until the sun was high up in the sky and then lazily climb out, wash up, and stay in her dorm and watch anime, squandering the day away. 

But today––– 

“Ran Ran, what do you think of this outfit?”

Early in the morning, in front of the full-length mirror in the dormitory, Lu Wei Xi had already run back and forth changing through three sets of clothes. The degree of effort is almost comparable to when she is preparing an outfit for a singing competition.

Mu Ran Ran who is busy doing a mission quickly responded, “Looks good. Actually, Ah Xi, as long as you are willing to put more effort into your outfit like what you are doing now, your popularity would be higher.”

Lu Wei Xi is the type of person who would let her good looks go to waste. 

Lu Wei Xi ignored her and look in the mirror. Twisting a strand of hair with her finger, she exhaled a breath, “Okay, I’m going out.”

Every time they meet, he would never show any expression in front of her. But she is like an evil spirit that is hard to get rid of. 

She sighed and gathered up her spirit again. The last few encounters, she was not in the right state of mind, but this time, she must, must, must leave a good impression.

The weather is cold, the streets are deserted and the trees that lined both sides of the road had been stripped bare of its leaves. Lu Wei Xi wore a pink down jacket with a circle of white lace on the hem and a hat with cute rabbit ears. On her lower body, she wore a thick gray pleated skirt and a matching pair of woolen tights. 

Because she has a nice frame and is adequately slim enough, compared to other girls wearing the dress, she would look very beautiful and cute.

Today…..is also snowing. 

She walked down the road with her hands in the pocket of the down jacket. Looking at the white snow fluttering in the sky, she suddenly felt the experience in these weeks has been too surreal. Just like a dream. 

She stuck out the palm of her hand. A thin light snowflake swayed and landed on her palm and immediately melting away at a speed invisible to the naked eye. 

It is a very unrealistic thing to fall in love with a person's voice, just like falling in love with the snow that will eventually melt. Sooner or later, the tragedy will end. 

However, if it is a dream, she doesn’t want to ever wake up. 

When Lu Wei Xi walked into the Starbucks that winter day, she saw the familiar figure at first glance. 

He sat in the same seat as last time, with the same cold and aloof expression. He quietly sat there, his eyes clear and distinct, his contours sharp and cold, able to blind anyone who sees him.

She doesn't feel satisfied with just one glance. 

She wants to drown in the abyss of it and never wake up. 

After not seeing him for a week, she’s got to admit, she really missed him….this man who is like a stranger to her.
