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Kiss of Venus: Chapter 10

Yu Wan, who had drifted away into her memory was pulled back to reality by Tu Jiajia’s voice, “Teacher Yu, you were an apprentice?”

Yu Wan chuckled and nodded, “Of course. My salary was only 800 at the time. There also weren’t snacks or drinks included.”

“Ah? Then how did you survive?” Tu Jiajia couldn’t even imagine it.

“As long as you are determined to do something, then you will get through it.” Yu Wan found a few books on her desk and handed it to Tu Jiajia, “I have used these books before. If you don’t mind, you can borrow it.”

Tu Jiajia quickly took it, “I don’t mind at all. Thank you Teacher Yu!”

“No need to thank me. You still have to work hard on your own. When you have time, you should visit wedding companies in the city to see how the industry is.”


“Ah what. Back then I also ran around A City.” But I had Li Shen to accompany me so I didn’t think it was too exhausting. “Let me see your plan.”

The reason she came today was to talk to Tu Jiajia face to face. The two talked for almost half an hour. Tu Jiajia was moved and in order to repay Yu Wan for her kindness, she said, “Teacher Yu, I will accompany you to play games after I get off work tonight!”

“Okay, I will wait for you.” After she completed her mission, Yu Wan grabbed her back and went home to study the game.

After coming home, afraid that Yu Wan might be waiting for long, Tu Jiajia grabbed her bowl and situated herself in front of the computer. She was even scolded by her mother. She poked Yu Wan on WeChat and then added her in the game.

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: Teacher Yu?

A Fishball: Yes.

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: You’re only on level 31?

A Fishball: Yes :)

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: …..Then do you want me to take you to level up or do you want to join a sect?

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: Do you know what sect Miss Hu is in?

A Fishball: No. I only know she is in the top ten.

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily:....ojbk

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: Then you should enter Peach Blossom Sect.

A Fishball: Is Peach Blossom Sect very strong?

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: Not really but you can increase your strength and die slower.

A Fishball:.....Okay.

After listening to Tu Jiajia’s suggestion, she joined Peach Blossom Sect and learned the first martial art move.

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: Come to Songlin County. I will be waiting for you at the back of Gujiahou Mountain. We’re going to kill some wolves.

A Fishball: Okay.

Three minutes later, Tu Jiajia couldn’t help but press her, “Teacher Yu, where are you? Why haven’t you come yet?”

A Fishball: Wait a minute, I can’t find the way.

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: ….You clicked on the map on the upper right corner. Find Gujiahou Mountain and click on it. The system will send you to the nearest portal.

A Fishball: Oh! So you can click on the map (⊙o⊙)

A Fishball: I was wondering how long it was gonna take to run from the capital to Songlin County.

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily:...

Tu Jiajia’s image of Yu Wan went down a little because of the game.

Yu Wan followed Tu Jiajia’s instructions and arrived at Gujiahou Mountain. Tu Jiajia and her teammates had Yu Wan find a safe place to hide before going off the kill the wolf. Most of the wolves on the snowy mountain were knocked down by Tu Jiajia but some slipped out of her reach and attacked Yu Wan. Yu Wan couldn’t fight them off and had to keep adding blood for herself. Tu Jiajia killed a few wolves surrounding Yu Wan and saw that her blood is running low: Teacher Yu, you’re running out of blood. Don’t stand. Sit down and meditate to get back blood.

She waited a while but Yu Wan still didn’t move, “Why aren’t you meditating yet?”

A Fishball: How do you meditate? I can’t find it.

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily:...

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: You see the small person symbol on top of your head, click on it and find the symbol of a person meditating on the second page and click on it.

A Fishball: Oh!

A Fishball: I saw it before and thought it was for exercising

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily:...

Fine. She is very curious why Teacher Yu is trying so hard on Miss Hu’s wedding.

As Yu Wan sat down to meditate, a wolf jumped out of nowhere and bit her to death.

The screen grayed out and started counting down to her resurrection.

Yu Wan, “.....”

Tu Jiajia, “....”

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: Teacher Yu, how are you so incompetent.

A Fishball: orz

A Fishball: Forget it, let me get a grasp of the game myself.

What A Coincidence, I'm Also Lily: Okay, you should look at the guides. I will go offline first.

A Fishball: En, en

After Yu Wan saw Tu Jiajia go offline, Yu Wan sighed. She isn’t good at playing games and she was so bad others aren’t willing to lead her.

While Yu Wan is being brought down by the game, Li Shen is recording a program for a TV station. Every year, ABA would make a documentary. Even though the topic would be different every time, the documentaries are well-make and because it has been broadcasting for many years, it became one of the station’s signature programs. Li Shen was invited by the production crew to narrate the documentary.

In the past, the program would be dubbed by professional voice actors or senior presenters. Their skills are undeniable but because the ratings in the past two years have continued to decline, the production team had to look for other methods.

Inviting Li Shen to do the voice over is a bold attempt. As a professional singer, Li Shen has a beautiful voice but dubbing is another matter. Originally, the director was filled with doubt but after listening to Li Shen’s voice test, he nodded with satisfaction.

His pronunciation is very standard and he also knows how to control his voice.

The recording took a few hours. While Li Shen was in the middle of a break, he bumped into Wu Mian. Wu Mian came to the station for some other work so when he heard Li Shen was here for a recording, he decided to come by to visit him.

“Is it going well?” He sat down on the sofa next to Li Shen, the screen of the phone in his right hand showed the Moments page. Li Shen took a sip of warm water the assistant passed to him to moisten his throat, “It’s fine.”

Wu Mian knows that he spent hours dubbing so he didn’t blame him for the two-word response, “Right now, the market isn’t good and everyone is having difficulties. ABA is handing its precious treasure to you.”

Li Shen didn’t care, “They asked Qiao Yichen to write background music.”

Wu Mian said, “Then when the time comes if the reception isn’t good, then just dump it all on Qiao Yichen. Besides, our company is good at this.”

Li Shen, “....:

Qiao Yichen’s wife Ding Meng also debuted from 《Heavenly Voice》. This singing competition is a collaboration between Xingyao and the TV station. The first-place winner will sign a contract with Xingyao.

Although they paid the penalty fees for the contract cancellation, the married couple were put on Xingyao’s blacklist.

Li Shen is an artist from Xingyao but he doesn’t have any enmity toward Qiao Yichen; he even appreciates his talent. “If the ratings aren’t good, then I should first reflect on myself.

Wu Mian scrolled through Moments and let out a low laugh without saying anything. After a while, he snickered, “Guess what I just saw?”

Li Shen wasn’t interested in guessing.

Wu Mian eagerly told him, “Hu Jiao is actually having the wedding planners compete with her.”

Li Shen’s brows wrinkled. He remembered Yu Wan told him the other night she was playing the game to understand Hu Jiao better. She didn’t mention anything about a competition.

“Compete?” He cast a side glance at Wu Mian. Wu Mian passed his phone over to him and pointed to Hu Jiao’s post, “She will only look at the plan of the person who beats her. It’s not easy being a wedding planner right now.”

Li Shen swept a glance at the post and looked away. Hu Jiao has money and leisure. She is very well-known in the game. If Yu Wan wants to win against…..even if Hu Jiao is an ordinary person, she can’t even dream of it.

“Brother Shen, the director asked if you rest well yet and record the next paragraph.” Li Shen’s assistant ran over and interrupted his thoughts. Li Shen nodded and got up from the sofa.

When he came home, it was already past ten. Li Shen changed his clothes and went out on a night run. In the forces, he only took twenty minutes to run five kilometers. Ten kilometers of running without any weights doesn’t take him long.

Just after the first lap, he spotted Yu Wan by the streetlight. Yu Wan looked to have finished running and was about to go back. Li Shen slowed his pace and caught up to her.

Yu Wan unconsciously looked back when she heard footsteps behind her. In the cold winter night, Li Shen is wearing a thin t-shirt and sweatpants running over from a small trail. She froze and stood there unmoving.

When she came out to run this evening, she even wondered whether she would run into Li Shen again. She doesn’t know whether she is looking forward to the encounter or not but she still came out in the end. When she saw him at the moment, she felt overwhelmed just like the time she first met him.

Li Shen stopped by her side. Yu Wan, afraid the quiet environment would expose her rapid heartbeat, greeted him at once, “You’re running again?”

Li Shem hummed, “I run every night.”


“When did you start to like running?” Based on his impression, Yu Wan is not an athletic person.

“I’ve been sitting in front of the computer playing games the past two days so I come out in the evening to stretch and move around.”

“En.” Li Shen nodded, “How’s the game going?”

…..Very bad.

Although Yu Wan thought this in her heard, she replied with a smile on her face, “Not bad.”


“Really.”Although Yu Wan said it with much sincerity, Li Shen didn’t believe her at all.

But what about it? This has no effect on her.

Li Shen finally said, “Then I will continue my run.”

“Okay.” Yu Wan moved to the side, afraid that she might be blocking his way. Li Shen nodded and watch the think figure under the streetlight. A stray cat jumped out the small bushes on the side of the road, leaving rustling leaves in its wake. In the silent night, Li Shen heard himself say, “How about I guide you in the game.”


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