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Kiss of Venus: Chapter 11

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Yu Wan blanked.

She knows that in order to promote the game, the game company registered an account for Li Shen. But this account is a marketing gimmick so how can the actual person use it?

She thought Li Shen was simply talking without thinking but he just stood there as if he was waiting for her reply. Yu Wan slightly raised her head and looked at him, “You play this game too?”


“Is it your publicly released account number?”

“.....Of course not, I have a personal account.”

“....Oh.” Yu Wan slowly nodded, “You celebrities still have the time to play video games?”

From her knowledge, celebrities are very busy. At least, they’re busier than Zhou Xiaoning and Zhao Xin.

Perhaps he thought her question was funny but Li Shen’s lips hooked up, “I’ve been busy working in the past period. There are fewer works these days so I can take a break.”

“Oh….then okay.” Yu Wan also didn’t know why she answered like this. She told herself it is because she needs a mentor and nothing else.

Li Shen said, “I don’t have any work tomorrow morning. When are you going to log in, I will wait for you in the game.”

Yu Wan thought and set a time that is not too early in the morning, “Is 9:30 okay?”

“Yes. You are in the same server as Hu Jiao right?” There are many different servers in the game at the moment, but there are only some that are huge.

Yu Wan nodded, “Yes, my online username is A Fishball. What’s yours?”

“Little Prince.” Li Shen answered.

…..Yu Wan didn’t smile because she remembered when Li Shen was still in school, his video game username is also this. She just didn’t think he would still use it.

His fans must have never guessed their idol’s username is Little Prince.

“Okay. I will add you when I go online.”


The conversation ended there as the two remained silent. Li Shen looked at Yu Wan’s cold little red nose and said, “You should go back if you’re done exercising. I will continue running.”

Yu Wan made a sound of affirmation. This time, Li Shen ran past her and didn’t stop. After his ten kilometer run, Li Shen returned to his villa. When he entered the gate, he was tackled by a Shiba Inu. She let out a bark in Li Shen’s arms. Li Shen rubbed her head and whispered, “Lili, don’t bark in the middle of the night or the neighbors would report it to the police.”

As if she understood his word, Lili sat down in front of him and wagged its tail.

Li Shen adopted Lili after he moved in. Although the assistant spends more time with it, it is still more intimate with Li Shen. Li Shen took it into the house so it can go to sleep. He took a towel and headed to the bathroom for a shower. The warm water flowed from the top of his head down to his body. Li Shen pushed aside the bangs on his forehead and thought back to what he said to Yu Wan earlier.

“How about I guide you in the game.”

Li Shen revealed a mocking smile and closed his eyes.

He did something embarrassing again.

He thought.

When Yu Wan woke up at 8 in the morning, she checked the time and washed up. She made her breakfast and sat in front of the computer. It is 8:40.

She took a sip of hot milk and clicked on the game icon. Right as she logged on, she received a friend request.

A friend request from “Little Prince.”

Yu Wan could feel her heart jumping. She put down the cup and clicked accept.

The other person’s icon lit up. After his friend request was accepted, he sent a message, “You’re here.”

A Fishball: En, are you always up early?

Little Prince: Used to it.

A Fishball: Do you always have to wake up early for work?

Little Prince: I was used to waking up early in the army.

Yu Wan froze. She wanted to ask him why he enlisted and why he wanted to be a soldier.

But she didn’t dare to, afraid that it would be related to her.

Little Prince: You’re only on level 31 and your equipments are very ordinary.

A Fishball: En…..

Little Prince: Do you know what level Hu Jiao is?

A Fishball: I only hear she is very strong.

Little Prince: She is. She has many different accounts and her worst one will kill you instantly.

A Fishball: …..

Little Prince: You should use my alternate account. Your level is too low.

A Fishball: You have another account?

Little Prince: Yes. Although it is an alternate account, the level is higher than yours. I will send you the account log-in information.

Soon after, Yu Wan received the account information. The account number is ordinary and the password is his birthday.

Yu Wan logged out and switched to the account she just received. She is curious about what the username for Li Shen’s alternate account is. It couldn’t be Little Princess, right?

“Pfft.” As she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

After logging in, a character appeared on the screen. Li Shen’s alternate account is a female player but the name is not Little Princess.

It’s Fisherman's Song at Eventide (Yu Zhou Chang Wan).

Yu Wan blanked.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide, Yu Wan.

She stared at the screen for a few seconds and found that Li Shen sent her a message.

Little Prince: This account is also in Peach Blossom Sect. You must be familiar with it, right?

Little Prince: You should first familiarize yourself with this avatar’s skills. Then I will take you on a quest.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: Okay.

Li Shen’s alternate account is on level 58. The martial art skills are high and most of the skills are maxed out. She studied at each skills one by one but after she closed the information tab, she was unable to grasp it completely.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: There are so many skills. I can’t remember it all orz.

Little Prince: You’ll memorize it all after playing a few more times.

Little Prince: Right now, the skill order is arranged according to my habits. You can rearrange it to what makes you feel comfortable.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: …..I haven’t reached that part yet.

After a few seconds of silence, he replied, “I’ll take you on a quest. Follow me.”

He added, “Do you know how to follow?”

“Yes.” She learned it from Tu Jiajia yesterday. 

After she clicked to follow Li Shen, Yu Wan sat back in her chair and watch her avatar run beside Li Shen on the computer screen. The feeling of not having to do anything was very good, but she felt that it isn’t right.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: I never operated these controls before.

Little Prince: You never operated something like this?

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: …..

Nope. :)

Little Prince: This quest is a bit difficult. You can operate after a while.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: Oh

Li Shen’s main account has reached the maximum occupation level. After he activated the BOSS from the task, Yu Wan stood aside and watched him and the BOSS duel.

Little Prince: The BOSS will start a group attack when you cut off the time. Remember to jump out of the way and pay attention to my blood level.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: Okay!

Every time she saw the group of BOSS approach, she would quickly jump up. However, because the attacks last 5 seconds and Yu Wan can only remain in the air for three seconds, she would inevitably suffer from some attacks. When Li Shen is closest to the BOSS, he loses the most blood. While Yu Wan was up in the air, she threw out healing skills nonstop.

After a while, a line of words appeared on the screen.

Little Prince: I told you to give me blood, not give it to the NPC.

Yu Wan, “.....”

Wait, this game lets you add blood to NPCs???

As if he knew what she was thinking, Li Shen sent another message.

Little Prince: Before you give me blood, make sure you click on me, not the NPC.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: ….I didn’t choose the NPC. I might have accidentally clicked on it when I was jumping.

Little Prince: You’re almost out of blood. Hurry and replenish.

Yu Wan had only been paying attention to Li Shen’s blood supply the entire time. When she saw him say this, she looked at her blood tank and saw she only has one bar left.

Yu Wan, “.....”

In this battle, once you die, you can’t be resurrected. Li Shen had been battling the BOSS alone without any support so he was ultimately dragged to his death.

Yu Wan looked at the word “FAILED” boldly displayed on the screen, feeling extremely guilty.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: …..I’m sorry, I suck at this game.

Little Prince: No need to apologize. It’s not like I didn’t know you suck beforehand.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: …...

For some reason, although it was supposed to be a jab at her, she felt some warmth reading it. Is she too masochistic?

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: Are you still going to lead me?

Little Prince: Wait here. I’ll go look for more people. I can’t fight this BOSS alone.

Fisherman's Song at Eventide: Ok.

While Yu Wan is waiting for Li Shen, she received a call from Wei Shao. She picked up and asked, “Is there something Boss?”

Wei Shao asked, “How’s the game going?”

“Uh….” Yu Wan glanced at the screen, “I’m working hard.”

Wei Shao chuckled, as if he expected this result, “I’ve already helped you find a skilled player to teach you. I’m also trying to buy a game account for you. However, Hu Jiao is familiar with the game. She knows all the powerful accounts so I haven’t found the most suitable one yet. I will get you the account number and password by this afternoon.”

“Ah?” Yu Wan didn’t expect the company to provide such benefits. But now that she thinks about it, this is related to the company so her boss would naturally provide the necessary resources. “I already found a friend to guide me. He also gave me his alternate account.”

Wei Shao was taken aback. He didn’t expect Yu Wan to have this type of friend, “Which friend? Is he skilled?”

“Uh, he is someone who also plays this game frequently. His main account is maxed out and the equipments are also good. His alternate account on the other hand is only at level 50. He is taking me to level up and familiarize myself with the operations.”

Wei Shao thought for a moment and said, “How about this, the teacher I found for you is online twenty-four seven. If your friend isn’t online, you can look for her. As for the account, I will continue to look for one for you. When the time comes, if the level of that account is higher, then you can use it.”

“Okay.” After Yu Wan answered, she still felt worried. Her operation is very bad, so when the time comes and they see her use high-level equipment, wouldn’t it be too suspicious….

After hanging up the call with Wei Shao, the “Little Prince” on the screen still hasn’t moved. Yu Wan was about to poke him when her phone rang again.

This time, it is an unfamiliar number. Yu Wan had a headache looking at it.

When she first bought the house, the developer leaked out her phone number. In the past few days when she returned from abroad, there are always all kinds of people calling her. For work purposes, she generally does not decline incoming calls from unfamiliar numbers. She connects the call and started speaking, “Hello, I’m Yu Wan. I’m not selling any houses, buying any building materials, decorating, renting or have any money. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

The other party was silent for a few seconds before he replied, “I’m Li Shen.”

The author has something to say:

Wei Shao: Which friend? Is he skilled*?

Yu Wan: No, he’s Li Shen.

HAHAHA. Sorry, it was a bad pun. [doge]

T/N: Skilled=Li Hai (厲害)

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  1. (I think you accidentally left in 3 of the lines you were translating :) )

    Li Shen's going to need endless patience with teaching her.... and i think he'll need to teach her in person. XD

    Thank you for the translation!

  2. Ahhh how did I reach the end QAQ



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